These website terms of use below regulate the relationship between us and each user of (or visitor to) the Elysian website. In addition, we have Terms of Service relating to the services that we provide to clients.
The information contained in this website has been prepared by us and:
- is based on our interpretation of current legislation, which may be subject to change occasioned by future legislative decisions.
- it is intended for information purposes only, and
- should in no way be seen as advice.
All material found on this website, unless otherwise noted, is owned by us. The user is not permitted to copy, reproduce, or use any such material without our prior written consent.
We are not responsible or liable for any loss or damages relating to the website, the personal information of any user or material, and information transmitted over our system. Whilst every reasonable care has been taken in writing and compiling the website, we accept no responsibility for any loss or damage that may be sustained as a result of reliance by any person on the information contained in the website.
Amendments of Terms of use
We reserve the right to amend these terms. The user acknowledges that by visiting the website from time to time, the user will become bound to the current version of these terms and, unless stated in the current version, all previous versions will be superseded by the current version. You are responsible for reviewing the then current version of each visit to the website.
Failure or neglect by us to enforce at any time these terms, will not be construed as a waiver of its rights, nor will such failure or neglect in anyway effect the validity or the whole or any part of these terms, nor prejudice our rights to take sub-sequence action.
Applicable laws
The terms will be in all respects be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of South Africa and constitute the entire agreement between the parties in respect of this subject matter.
Any concerns and questions from these terms should be addressed to