Elysian is a registered Compliance Practice with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority in South Africa.

Instructions and engagements

These terms of service will apply to any instruction you give us as our client and to the services we provide to you. We may add to or change these terms in a written proposal, quote, or form of an invoice, even if it does not mention those terms. Any change must be in writing and signed by us or be posted on our website to be effective. You accept the latest version of these terms of service by instructing us or receiving services from us.


We may lake instructions from any officer, owner, or senior manager in a company, partnership, trust, association, or other legal entity unless you instruct us in writing otherwise.

Our fees

We will levy a fee for the services we provide. No lump-sum upfront payments will be required from you.

  • Proposal: Any proposal or quote we provide you with for the likely cost of specific work will only become an agreement when you accept the proposal in writing.
  • Hourly fees: We review our standard hourly rates on an annual basis.
  • Extra fees: If the work becomes more complex, time-consuming, or urgent or there are other delays or problems beyond our control that we could not reasonably have expected we may charge extra fees.
  • VAT: We are not VAT registered.


We will provide you with services reasonable to our skills and knowledge in accordance with the professional standards that are expected from us. The advice we provide will be based on the information we receive from you.


Legislation can be interpreted in many different ways. We therefore can only provide you with our opinion and can’t be deemed as legal advice as we are not authorised to act in such a capacity.

Reliance on advice

Our advice is based on the information that you provide us assuming that we have all the information and is for your sole and only use. If you have failed to fully inform or accurately inform us we will not be held liable for any damages suffered. You remain accountable for all the management decisions taken in response lo our services.

Intellectual property

We retain the copyright and other intellectual property rights in all know-how, working materials, documents, and other work we create in providing services to you.

Money laundering

The Financial Intelligence Centre Act compels us lo compile profiles of our clients. So we may have lo ask you to provide copies of certain documents. Despite this, our client’s confidentiality remains a priority to us, unless we know or reasonably suspect that our client is involved in money laundering. In such cases, we are legally compelled to make a disclosure under the FIG Act.


We communicate with you by email unless you request us to make use of a different medium. Although we take reasonable steps through anti-virus software to ensure the integrity of our communications, we do not encrypt our electronic communications and cannot guarantee their security and confidentiality.


You indemnify us against any third party claims for loss or damages following from any of our services unless the loss or damage was caused by fraud or deliberate misconduct by us or any of our employees.